
Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing, maths and other vital skills. We're committed to helping you in the way that suits you best.

Literacy Aotearoa Gisborne staff work hard to support all learning styles and we now carry the Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark - we are audited and approved as being a friendly and safe environment offering learning suitable for people with dyslexia.

We know learning is a personal experience and that nobody has exactly the same educational needs as you. We will find out what you want to learn, and why. That puts you in charge of your own learning. When learning is relevant to you, it's more interesting, which means you can achieve better results faster. And that will change your life.

What’s more, it will cost you nothing.


1st Floor, The Adair's Building, 100 Grey Street, Gisborne 4010

Postal address:

PO Box 494 Gisborne 4040